It’s not every day that you eat gold-flaked, maple Salmon. I had never had it before until I was at a women’s retreat in Corbett, Oregon last spring and this beautiful, light-up-the-room smiling woman handed me some.
It was Jodi.
Somehow in the 30 seconds that I was in her serving line we discovered that she was selling her house in Dripping Springs and had moved to Corbett a year earlier to run the retreat center.
You know when you have those moments that you feel like it’s highlighted with a strange awareness or more important than just any other moment? Meeting her was one of those.
After the retreat I kept following Jodi on Instagram and was so excited to hear that she was moving back to Dripping this year! I just kept thinking that I needed her in my orbit.
My dad and grandparents were heavily involved in mission work and I loved having dinner with the Mamulas a few weeks back to learn more about the missionary training school that is right here in Dripping Springs- Mountain Gateway.
Let me introduce you to my new friends and their incredible impact!

How has DS changed in the few short years you have moved to Oregon and back?
The expansion is obvious, 3 years ago there were 3 elementary schools, now there’s 5, with a 6th in the works. There is an expansion of local businesses, and families everywhere!
That is something we missed. We missed the plethora of community with incredibly kind families. The other noticeable change in Dripping Springs is how the churches & pastors are unifying. We have noticed that there is a lot of camaraderie & championing one another, serving & being the Kingdom of God instead of promoting personal brands. That is really exciting & encouraging. There is a blessing on unity.

What brought you back?
We were introduced to a non-profit here in Dripping called Mountain Gateway about a year ago. Longtime friends of ours invited us to go on a 10-day backpacking course with Mountain Gateway in Wyoming. Rob went on a course in the summer of 2021 and came back deeply impacted, with massive growth and clarity of purpose.
Over the next year, we discovered that Mountain Gateway had a campus here in our home town, and we felt the desire to connect everyone we knew to this great mission. In May of this year, Mountain Gateway extended the invitation for Rob and I to join their staff to continue developing Impact Partnerships, help with local events, and instruct Wilderness Intensives.
We were ecstatic when they said, “You’ll need to move to Dripping Springs!”
Our hearts lept because it was our desire to be back in this great town! Our main role is to connect individuals, churches and businesses to this mission and build partnerships. We are excited to build partnerships that advance the gospel abroad and help build up leaders who will also impact locally.

How long has Mountain Gateway been in Dripping Springs?
Tell us more about it…
Mountain Gateway began building a campus in Dripping Springs 10 years ago, while simultaneously being on the mission field in Mexico & Nicaragua. The past 2 years we have had the pedal to the metal to complete lodging for our Academy students and missionaries, prayer rooms for our community to use, as well as our coffee roastery and woodshop.
MOUNTAIN GATEWAY MISSIONS: Share the hope of Jesus with those in need of restoration.
Only 25% of mission organizations preach the Gospel and plant churches, while the rest are merely involved in addressing social problems like feeding and clothing the poor. So the lost may have their temporary physical needs met, but they still face eternal separation from Jesus.
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we go to the difficult places and proclaim the good news to the poor. We disciple through house churches and corporate worship and we train national pastors to reach the lost in their own culture.
If we crucify our flesh and go in obedience to the Great Commission, we will see God bring salvation to His sons and daughters in every nation on earth.
MOUNTAIN GATEWAY TRAINING: Be prepared to introduce people to Jesus in any culture.
We utilize holistic and experiential learning to train individuals to take the gospel into any context or culture.
The 11-month Academy arms believers with the practical and spiritual tools needed to persevere long enough to see God do the extraordinary. Though we cannot eliminate the call to die to self, we do whatever we can to simplify the path to the cross.
Our 10-day Wilderness Leadership Intensive teaches the relational skills you need to work through conflict. Intentional leadership development in the wilderness empowers you to overcome tension so that when pressures rise, you know how to bind together with others to create solutions.
MOUNTAIN GATEWAY PRAYER: Fill the prayer gap, so missionaries succeed and nations turn to Jesus.
Missionaries who do not receive prayer support from the home front are 71% more likely to leave the mission field before they intended or for a negative reason. Across the world, the lost are dying, and missionaries are falling apart because disappointment and unanswered prayers have kept those on the home front from truly believing that prayer is the most valuable contribution they can make.
Mountain Gateway Prayer is a community of believers dedicated to systematic and unceasing prayer for missionaries and the nations. We will face disappointments and unanswered questions – but we will also see hearts awakened to the light of the gospel and missionaries stay on the field in response to our prayers.
If we pray, fast, and worship mostly, we will run into the work God is already doing.

MOUNTAIN GATEWAY IMPACT PARTNERS: Give strategically, confident in the impact you’re making for Jesus.
It is heartbreaking to want to make a difference, but not know how. You want to see the broken made whole, but you don’t know the first thing about training missionaries or rescuing kids from human trafficking.
Let us be the expression of your heart for the lost. Just because you aren’t able to go to the mission field yourself doesn’t mean that you can’t make an eternal impact. We will be your hands and feet to the broken.
God tells us in His Word that He loves a cheerful giver, which is why we want to create opportunities to give as He leads and with a cheerful heart, through no obligation.

We own a coffee farm in Nicaragua which produces world class coffee. You have probably experienced our coffee at the EDG coffee cart. EDG is being rebranded to Rootline Coffee and will open a brick ‘n mortar coffee shop right here in Dripping Springs by the middle school. It’ll roast all Rootline Coffee, and all the profits support missionaries.

What do you love about living here?
Dripping Springs has a unique commitment to community and families that we have not found anywhere else.

If you had friends coming to visit Dripping Springs what would you tell them to do?
If they were coming in the Fall we would tell them to go to a Friday night football game to experience our community, then come watch our DSYSA Flag Football team on Saturday morning. Then get brunch at the iconic Thyme ‘n Dough, visit Pedernales Falls State Park with a Pig Pen BBQ sack lunch, take a trip to Hamilton Pool (online reservation only) and end at the fancy Tillie’s restaurant for exquisite food. Or keep it casual and go to the Salt Lick, and we’d give direction that the chop beef sandwich is the most consistent thing on the menu.

What are your favorite adventures?
Visiting Hamilton Pool (during the week preferably) Pedernales State Falls Park for hiking and fishing. Blanco River State Park for swimming. Blue Hole or Jacobs Well for swimming and hiking. Taking a trip out to Enchanted Rock is always a must as well.
The various local rodeos are also a ton of fun.

How can people follow you on Social Media-
Mountain Gateway has an Instagram and Facebook: @MountainGateway You can also visit to see all that we have to offer and all the ways to connect.
Want to get involved?
Email Jodi ( ) to set up a tour of the campus or a coffee date to learn more!
Are you interested in moving back to Dripping Springs, too? Want more information on Mountain Gateway? Looking to buy or sell real estate in this area? I’ve got you covered! I’m a local Realtor and can help connect you with so many cool people, educate you on the market and different neighborhoods and help move you here! Just call or email to get started! 512-569-8480 or